※ 別刷りを希望される方はお気軽にメール(hayasaka[あっと]nara.kindai.ac.jp)までご連絡下さい。

※ *:corresponding author       :These authors contributed equally

原著論文(査読付) - Refereed papers

  1. 石若直人*, 中筋安祐美, 梅田悠起, 澤畠拓夫, 早坂大亮*. 鹿児島県口永良部島で8月にみられた鳥類相の初観察記録. 野生生物と社会 xx: xxx-xxx (in press)
  2. Hashimoto KHayasaka D, Eguchi Y, Seko Y, Cai J, Suzuki K, Goka K, Kadoya T. (2024) Multifaceted effects of variable biotic interactions on population stability in complex interaction webs. Communications Biology 7: 1309    近畿大学プレスリリース、農業協同組合新聞、日刊工業新聞などで紹介されました。
  3. Ishikawa A, Hayasaka D, Nara K (2024) Effects of root-colonizing fungi on pionner Pinus thunbergii seedlings in primary successional volcanic mudflow on Kuchinoerabu Island, Japan.  Mycorrhiza 34: 57-67
  4. Seko Y*, Ishiwaka N, Morikawa Y, Hayasaka D* (2024) Toxicity-related behavior in the invasive Argentine ant Linepithema humile Mayr in response to fipronil exposure. Entomological News 131(3): 140-145
  5. Ishiwaka N, Hashimoto K, Hiraiwa MK, Sanchez-Bayo F, Kadoya T, Hayasaka D* (2024) Can warming accelerate the decline of Odonata species in experimental paddies due to insecticide fipronil exposure? Environmental Pollution 341: 122831 (DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2023.122831)    近畿大学プレスリリース、農業協同組合新聞、文教速報デジタル、日刊ケミカルニュース、NHKで紹介されました。
  6. Hayasaka D†,*, Kato K, Hiraiwa K, Kasai H, Osaki K, Aoki R, Sawahata T. (2023) Undesirable dispersal via a river pathway of a single Argentine ant supercolony newly invading an inland urban area of Japan Scientific Reports 13: 21119 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-47734-0)
  7. Nagano K, Hiraiwa MKIshiwaka N, Seko Y, Hashimoto K, Uchida T, Sanchez-Bayo F, Hayasaka D* (2023) Global warming intensifies the interference competition by a poleward-expanding invader on a native dragonfly species. Royal  Society Open Science 10: 230449 (DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.230449)    近畿大学プレスリリース、農業協同組合新聞、日刊工業新聞で紹介されました。
  8. Sunamura E, Yamahara M, Kasai H, Hayasaka D, Suehiro W, Terayama M, Eguchi K. (2024) Comparison of Argentine ant Linepithema humile (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) recruitment to hydrogel baits and other food sources. Applied Entomology and Zoology 59: 71-76. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13355-023-00846-5)    森林総合研究所プレスリリースで紹介されました。
  9. 黒田有寿茂, 中濱直之, 早坂大亮, 玉置雅紀, 花井隆晃 (2023) 干潟に生育する大型草本スパルティナ・アルテルニフロラSpartina alterniflora:生態特性と山口県下関市における侵入. 保全生態学研究 28(1): 199-212
  10. Matsuda R, Yamada K, Hayasaka D, Henmi Y. (2023) Effects of salinity, temperature, and immersion conditions on seed germination of invasive Spartina alterniflora Loisel (smooth cordgrass) in Japan. Regional Studies in Marine Science 57: 102738
  11. Hayasaka D*, Hiraiwa MK, Maebara Y, Seko Y (2022) Acute toxicity of fipronil to an invasive ant, Lepisiota frauenfeldiJournal of Pesticide Science 47(4): 1-5
  12. Furuno M, Uchida T, Huan XJ, Hayasaka D, Arase T (2022) Ecological characteristics of plants invading/colonizing street tree bases. Journal of Environmental Information Science  2022(1): 12-23
  13. Kasai H, Hayasaka D, Sawahata T. (2022) First report of the genera Paralobella and  Blasconura (Collembola: Neanuridae: Neanurinae) from Japan with the description of three new species. Zootaxa 5168(3): 332-349    近畿大学プレスリリースで紹介されました。
  14. Hashimoto K†,*Hayasaka D, Eguchi Y, Seko Y, Cai J, Goka K, Kadoya T (2021) Severe disturbance overflows the stabilizing buffer of variable biotic interactions. bioRxiv. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.12.07.471695v1)
  15. Hayasaka D†,*, Nakamori T, Tamaue K, Seko Y, Hashimoto K, Sawahata T (2021) Dry-heat tolerance of egg sacs of invasive Latrodectus spiders (Araneae: Theridiidae) in Japan: implications for efficient control/extermination. Journal of Economic  Entomology 114(6): 2460-2465
  16. 古野正章, 横山晴菜, 早坂大亮 , 内田泰三 (2021) 屋上緑化の多面的機能-飛来種子の捕捉による都市の生物多様性の向上-. 日本緑化工学会誌 47(1): 171-174
  17. Iida KHayasaka D, Suzuki Y, Uchida T, Sawahata T, Hashimoto K* (2021) Legacy of pre-eruption vegetation affects ground-dwelling arthropod communities after different types of volcanic disturbances. Ecology and Evolution 11(13): 9110-9122
  18. Furuno M, Uchida T, Hayasaka D, Huan XJ, Arase T (2021) The introduction and maintenance trends of street trees in Japan. International Journal of GEOMATE 20: 153-161
  19. 澤畠拓夫, 小坂 彰, 瀬古祐吾, 早坂大亮 (2021) 舗装とガードレール・ガードパイプのセアカゴケグモ営巣個体数に及ぼす影響. ランドスケープ研究 84(5): 683-686
  20. Seko Y*, Hashimoto K, Koba K, Hayasaka D*, Sawahata T (2021) Intraspecific differences in the invasion success of the Argentine ant Linepithema humile Mayr are associated with diet breadth. Scientific Reports 11: 2874    近畿大学プレスリリースで紹介されました。
  21. Seko Y*, Nakahama N, Sawahata T, Hayasaka D* (2021) Population dynamics of invasive Argentine ant Linepithema humile Mayr, 1868 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) haplotypes in Kobe port, Japan, and implications for the prediction of future dispersal and effective management. Bioinvasions Records 10(2): 467-476 
  22. Hayasaka D†,*,  Numa T, Sawahata T (2021) Differences in bifenthrin and fipronil susceptibility among invasive Latrodectus spp. and nontarget spiders in Japan. Journal of Economic Entomology 114(1): 257-264
  23. Maebara Y, Tamaoki M, Iguchi Y, Nakahama N, Hanai T, Nishino A, Hayasaka D* (2020) Genetic diversity of invasive Sparitina alterniflora Loisel. (Poaceae) introduced unintentionally into Japan and its invasion pathway. Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 556039      近畿大学プレスリリース、JST(科学技術振興機構)サイエンスポータル、yahooニュース、読売新聞(全国版)などで紹介されました。 
  24. 友口勇生, 内田泰三, 早坂大亮 (2020) 河川水辺の国勢調査結果を用いた九州の一級水系における河川環境、とくに外来植物群落の変遷に関する考察. 日本緑化工学会誌 46(1): 186-189
  25. Hashimoto K*,†, Kasai A, Hayasaka D, Goka K, Hayashi I.T (2020) Long-term monitoring reveals among-year consistency in the ecological impacts of insecticides on animal communities in paddies. Ecological Indicators 113: 106227
  26. 中森拓也, 澤畠拓夫, 早坂大亮* (2020) 波照間島におけるゴケグモ属クモ類(Latrodectus spp.)の生息状況. ペストロジー 35(1): 19-21
  27. Hayasaka D†,*, Nakagawa M, Maebara Y, Kurazono T, Hashimoto K (2020) Seed germination characteristics of invasive Spartina alterniflora Loisel in Japan: implications for its effective managementScientific Reports 10: 2116
  28. 高塚星花, 飯田恭平, 橋本洸哉, 松谷実璃, 澤畠拓夫, 早坂大亮* (2019) 2017年鹿児島県口永良部島の鳥類調査 -1970年代調査から40年を経過して-. 日本鳥学会誌 68(2): 357-365
  29. Hashimoto K†,*, Eguchi Y, Oishi H, Tazunoki Y, Tokuda M, Sanchez-Bayo F, Goka K, Hayasaka D (2019) Effects of a herbicide on paddy predatory insects depend on their microhabitat use and an insecticide application. Ecological Applications 29(6): e01945    近畿大学プレスリリース、毎日新聞、科学新聞社、農業協同組合新聞、朝日新聞 Digitalなどで紹介されました。 
  30. Hayasaka D†,*, Kobashi K, Hashimoto K. (2019) Community responses of aquatic insects in paddy mesocosms to repeated exposures of the neonicotinoids imidacloprid and dinotefuran. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 175: 272-281
  31. 西野惇志, 前原 裕, 橋本洸哉, 内田泰三, 早坂大亮* (2019) 切土法面植生に配慮した強害雑草クズの根絶手法の探索. 日本緑化工学会誌 44(4): 596-605
  32. Uchida T, Arase T, Sato Y, Hayasaka D (2019) Alleropathic effects of aqueous extracts from six hygrophyte species on activities of P. japonicaInternational Journal of GEOMATE 16: 116-123
  33. Nakahama N, Maebara Y, Seko Y, Iida K, Sawahata T, Hayasaka D* (2019) Identification of the mitochondrial DNA haplotype of an invasive Linepithema humile (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) population of a new location in Japan for its effective eradication. Entomological News 128(3): 217-225
  34. Hayasaka D†,*,Fujiwara S, Uchida T (2018) Impacts of invasive Iris pseudacorus L. (yellow flag) establishing in an abandoned urban pond on native semi-wetland vegetation. Journal of Integrative agriculture 17(8): 1881-1887 
  35. Seko YHayasaka D†,*, Fujita T, Nishino A, Uchida T, Sanchez-Bayo F, Sawahata T (2018) Host-tree selection by the invasive Argentine ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in relation to honeydew-producing insects. Journal of Economic Entomology 111(1): 319-326
  36. Kobashi K, Harada T, Adachi Y, Mori M, Ihara M, Hayasaka D* (2017) Comparative ecotoxicity of imidacloprid and dinotefuran to aquatic insects in rice mesocosms. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 138: 122-129 
  37. Uchida T, Tanaka J, Kondo K, Hayasaka D, Tomoguchi Y, Arase T, Okano T (2017) Evaluating the dynamics of alien species (POACEAE) used for erosion control on Sakurajima volcano. International Journal of GEOMATE 12:114-120
  38. Kasai A, Hayashi TI, Ohnishi H, Suzuki K, Hayasaka D, Goka K (2016) Fipronil application on rice paddy fields reduces densities of common skimmer and scarlet skimmer. Scientific Reports 6:23055
  39. Kondo K, Uchida T, Hayasaka D, Tanaka J, Sato A, Arase T (2016) Vegetation succession on cut slopes covered with exotic grassess for erosion control, Mt. Sakurajima. International Journal of GEOMATE 11:2136-2142
  40. Hayasaka D*, Kuwayama N, Takeo A, Ishida T, Mano H, Inoue MN, Nagai T, Sanchez-Bayo F, Goka K, Sawahata T. (2015) Different acute toxicity of fipronil baits on invasive Linepithema humile supercolonies and some non-target ground arthropods. Ecotoxicology 24(6):1221-1228
  41. Ishida T, Sawahata T, Kanaya G,  Hayasaka D* (2015) Population dynamics of two sympatric sandhoppers (Trinorchestia species) in the Pacific coast of northern Tohoku after the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami. CRUSTACEANA 88(5):511-521
  42. Inoue NM, Saito-Morooka F, Suzuki K, Nomura T, Hayasaka D, Kishimoto T, Sugimaru K, Sugiyama T, Goka K (2015) Ecological impacts on native ant and ground-dwelling animal communities through the Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) management in  Japan. Applied Entomology and Zoology 50(3):331-339
  43. Uchida T, Furuno M, Minami T, Yamashita S, Uchiyama T, Arase T, Hayasaka D (2015) Ecological significance of masonry revetments in plant biodiversity. International Journal of GEOMATE 9(1):1353-1359
  44. 島田直明, 川西基博, 早坂大亮 (2014) 岩手県の砂浜植生回復に関わる生態学的な評価と保全対策の提案. 総合政策 16(1):19-34
  45. Uchida T, Xue JH,  Hayasaka D, Arase T, Haller WTGettys LA (2014) The relation between road crack vegetation and plant biodiversity in urban landscape. International Journal of GEOMATE 6:885-891
  46. 輿猶久恵, 内田泰三, 荒瀬輝夫, 早坂大亮 (2013) 絶滅危惧種コギシギシ (Rumex nipponicus Franch. et Savat.) の痩果形態ならびに発芽特性. 日本緑化工学会誌 39(1):50-55
  47. 早坂大亮*, 鈴木一隆, 是永知子, 諸岡 (斎藤) 歩希, 野村拓志, 深澤圭太, Sanchez-Bayo F, 五箇公一 (2013) イミダクロプリドおよびフィプロニルを有効成分とする育苗箱施用殺虫剤の連続施用がトンボ類幼虫の群集に及ぼす生態影響. 日本農薬学会誌 38(2):101-107
  48. 野村拓志, 早坂大亮* (2013) 青森県大須賀海岸におけるオオマキバサシガメの採集記録. Rostria 55:33-36
  49. Hayasaka D*, Suzuki K, Nomura T, Nishiyama M, Nagai T, Sanchez-Bayo F, Goka K (2013) Comparison of acute toxicity of two neonicotinoid insecticides, imidacloprid and clothianidin, to five cladoceran species. Journal of Pesticide Science 38(1-2):44-47
  50. Hayasaka D*, Korenaga T, Suzuki K, Saito F, Sanchez-Bayo F, Goka K (2012) Cumulative ecological impacts of two successive annual treatments of imidacloprid and fipronil on aquatic communities of paddy mesocosms. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 80: 355-362
  51. Hayasaka D*, Goka K, Thawatchai W, Fujiwara K (2012) Ecological impacts of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami on coastal sand-dune species on Phuket Island. Biodiversity and Conservation 21(8):1971-1985
  52. Hayasaka D*, Shimada N, Konno H, Sudayama H, Kawanishi M, Uchida T,  Goka K (2012) Floristic variation of beach vegetation caused by the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami in northern Tohoku, Japan. Ecological Engineering 44:227-232
  53. Hayasaka D*, Kimura N, Fujiwara K, Thawatchai W, Nakamura T (2012) The relationship between microenvironment of mangrove forests and epiphytic fern species richness along the Pan Yi River, Thailand. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 24(2):265-274
  54. Hayasaka D*, Korenaga T, Suzuki K, Sanchez-Bayo F, Goka K (2012) Differences in susceptibility of five cladoceran species to two systemic insecticides, imidacloprid and fipronil. Ecotoxicology 21(2):421-427
  55. Hayasaka D*, Akasaka M, Miyauchi D, Box EO, Uchida T (2012) Qualitative variation in roadside weed vegetation along an urban-rural road gradient. Flora 207(2):126-132
  56. Hayasaka D*, Korenaga T, Sanchez-Bayo F, Goka K (2012) Differences in ecological impacts of systemic insecticides with different physicochemical properties on biocenosis of experimental paddy fields. Ecotoxicology 21(1):191-201
  57. Hayasaka D*, Akasaka M, Miyauchi D, Uchida T (2011) Classification of roadside weeds along two highways in different climate zones according to ecomorphological traits. Weed Technology 25(3):411-421
  58. 早坂大亮*, 柾木淳子, 前田宣雄, 江頭信一 (2010) シカの生息密度が常緑広葉樹林の健全性に及ぼす影響. こうえいフォーラム 17:97-102
  59. Hayasaka D*, Fujiwara K, Box EO (2009) Recovery of sandy beach and maritime forest vegetation on Phuket Island (Thailand) after the major Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004. Applied Vegetation Science 12(2):211-224
  60. Hayasaka D*, Fujiwara K (2007) Habitat differences and coexistence mechanisms of maritime strand forest and adjacent inland forest on subtropical Iriomote island, southern Japan. ECOTROPICA 13(2):121-134
  61. 早坂大亮*, 藤原一繪 (2006) 神奈川県湘南海岸に現存する海浜植物群落の成立要因. 日本緑化工学会誌 32(2):346-354
  62. Hayasaka D*, Fujiwara K (2005) Species composition and environmental factors, including human impacts on coastal sand-dunes and maritime strand-forests in Southern Thailand. TROPICS 14(3):245-254


  • Yada S, Eguchi S, Nakajima Y, Asada K, Hayasaka D, Goka K. Indirect effects of insecticides imidacloprid and fipronil on nitrogen dynamics in rice paddy fields. (in preparation)
  • Furuno M, Uchida T, Huan XJ, Hayasaka D, Arase T Impact of street tree management on the plants colonizing street tree bases in an urban environment.  Rendiconti Lincei (under review)
  • Seko Y†,*, Sugimoto T, Honda R, Sawahata T, Hayasaka D* アルゼンチンアリスーパーコロニー間のフィプロニルベイトの応答の差... (in preparation)
  • Seko Y†,*, Ichiyama T, Sawahata T, Hayasaka D* Differences in resource acquisition capacity among invasive Argentine ant haplotypes... (in preparation)
  • Yamane A, Tomoguchi Y, Hayasaka D, Uchida T. Effects of cutting frequency on the growth and species composition of Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. on a riverbank. Landscape and Ecological Engineering (under review)
  • Nagano K, Hiraiwa MK†,*, Ishiwaka N, Sanchez-Bayo F, Hayasaka D* Different response of a native dragonfly species against a neonative invader along a latitudinal gradient. (under review)
  • Ishiwaka N*, Nishiguchi T, Hiraiwa MK, Hashimoto K, Tsuchiya K, Kadoya T, Hayasaka D* Combined effects of insecticide and water temperature rise with warming on aquatic invertebrate communities of experimental paddies... (in preparation)
  • 川西基博, 郡山大輔, 早坂大亮 口永良部島と屋久島の森林におけるシカ不嗜好性植物の優占状況. Nature of Kagoshima (under review)
  • Collaborative work with UT et al. (under review)
  • Collaborative work with HK et al. (in preparation)
  • Collaborative work with NM et al. (in preparation)
  • Collaborative work with KT et al. (in preparation)       etc...

総説 - Refereed review papers

  1. Sanchez-Bayo F, Goka K, Hayasaka D (2016) Contamination of the aquatic environment with neonicotinoids and its implication for ecosystems. Frontiers in Environmental Science 4:71
  2. 早坂大亮* (2014) 水田メソコスムによる生物群集に及ぼす殺虫剤の影響に関する研究. 日本農薬学会誌 39(2):108-114  (日本農薬学会奨励賞受賞論文) 
  3. Hayasaka D* (2014) Study of the impacts of systemic insecticides and their environmental fate in aquatic communities of paddy mesocosms. Journal of Pesticide Science 39(3):172-173  (Award Review) 
  4. 五箇公一, 早坂大亮 (2013) 農薬の生態リスク評価は生物多様性を守れるか? ~高次リスク評価法としてのメソコズム試験を通じて~. 環境毒性学会誌 16(2):21-28
  5. 早坂大亮*, 永井孝志, 五箇公一 (2013) 農薬による生物多様性影響評価の重要性:個体評価から群集評価へ. 日本生態学会誌 63(2):193-206

書籍 - Chapters of books

  1. Uchida T, Arase T, Sato Y, Hayasaka D (2018) Physio-ecological activity of Phragmites japonica as a green infrastructure plant. 8th International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Envoronment, pp.1-6. The GEOMATE International Society, Japan, (ISBN: 978-4-909106001) 
  2. Hayasaka D*, Yamada K, Uchida T (2016) Susceptibility of sandy-beach flora to the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami in northern Tohoku, Japan. In Urabe J, Nakashizuka T (eds.) Ecological Impacts of Tsunamis on Coastal Ecosystems: Lessens from the Great East Japan Earthquake, pp.271-288. Springer, Tokyo, Japan, 410pp.  (ISBN: 978-4-431-56446-1)
  3. Kawanishi M, Hayasaka D, Shimada N (2016) The species composition of buried-seeds of seashore vegetation disturbed by the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami in northern Tohoku, Japan. In Urabe J, Nakashizuka T (eds.)  Ecological Impacts of Tsunamis on Coastal Ecosystems: Lessens from the Great East Japan Earthquake, pp.289-309. Springer, Tokyo, Japan, 410pp. (ISBN: 978-4-431-56446-1)
  4. Uchida T, Tanaka J, Kondo K, Hayasaka D, Tomoguchi Y, Arase T, Okano T (2016) Dynamics of exotic grass cover plants on slopes. In Hossain Z, Horpibulsuk S (eds.) Geotechnique, Construction Material and Environment, pp.532-537. The GEOMATE International Society, Japan, 686pp. (ISBN: 978-4-9965958-6-9)
  5. 早坂大亮* (2016) 海岸砂丘植生に及ぼす津波のインパクト.日本生態学会東北地区会編「生態学が語る東日本大震災」, pp.98-104. 文一総合出版,東京
  6. 早坂大亮(2016) コラム 攪乱の二つの作用. 日本生態学会東北地区会編「生態学が語る東日本大震災」, pp.29-30. 文一総合出版,東京
  7. Kondo K, Uchida T, Hayasaka D, Tanaka J, Sato A, Arase T (2015) Succession of exotic grasses used as cover plants for erosion control on cut slopes, Mt. Sakurajima. In Hossain Z, Kaneko S (eds.) Science Engineering & Environment, pp.501-506. The GEOMATE International Society, Mie, Japan, 649pp. (ISBN: 978-4-9905958-5-2 C3051)
  8. Uchida T, Furuno M, Minami T, Yamashita S, Uchiyama T, Arase T, Hayasaka D (2014) Role of a retaining wall constructed of natural stones in plant biodiversity. In Hossain Z, Hossain S (eds.) Geotechnique, Conservation Materials & Environment vol.4, pp.432-437. The GEOMATE International Society, Japan, 590pp. (ISBN:978-4-9905958-3-8 C3051) (Best Paper Award of the 4th International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment, USQ, Brisbane, Australia)
  9. Uchida T, Huan XJ, Hayasaka D, Arase T, Haller WT, Gettys LA (2013) Role of curbside crack of road in urban biodiversity. In Hossain Z, Hossain S (eds.) Geotechnique, Conservation Materials & Environment vol.3, pp.427-432. The GEOMATE International Society, Mie, Japan, 733pp. (ISBN:978-4-9905-9580-1 C3051)

その他雑文 - Proceedings or non-refereed papers

  1. 仲村華人,葛西 弘,澤畠拓夫, 早坂大亮 (2022) 口永良部島におけるキイロホソネスイの記録. SAYABANE N.S. 46:68-69
  2. 瀬古祐吾, 澤畠拓夫, 早坂大亮 (2021) 侵略的外来種アルゼンチンアリの侵入成功にとって大事なものは「食の多様性」?  昆虫と自然 56(13):35-37
  3. 澤畠拓夫, 瀬古祐吾, 早坂大亮 (2020) 侵略的外来種アルゼンチンアリの化学防除による撲滅メカニズムの謎. 昆虫と自然 55(14):32-33
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  1. 「生物多様性と農業生産を脅かす侵略的外来種の懇切技術の開発」 内閣府研究開発とSociety5.0との橋渡しプログラム(BRIDGE)【内閣府】 研究分担者(代表 大久保 悟・農研機構)/\800,000,000(予定総額) [2024-2026 (R6-R8)] 
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